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The Halfcat Castle

Chenyu Tao & Willie Wu

UCLA AUD Spring 2022


Part of Max Kuo’s Technology Seminar - “The New Abnormal,A Study in Roofs”, the Halfcat Castle questions the new aesthetics in the post digital architectural world. In a time when 3D models can be exactly fabricated, computer generated geometries are slowly creeping into the real world. Just like the famous internet image “halfcat”.


The Halfcat team constructed a narrative about how an architecture firm, Taste_Arc, custom generates buildings directly from their clients’ descriptions.



TASTE_Arc is an architecture studio with an international practice dedicated to creating magnificent projects that reflect the social status and tastes of our esteemed clients. The TASTE_Arc team has designed and patented an integrated project delivery system that allows the direct translation of the client’s visions into architectural reality.

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Burj Al Babas is a residential development in Mudurnu, Turkey where everyone gets to live inside of a castle. Our client wants a castle, better than all these copycats, to live on the hill. This residence will be custom generated to show the client’s esteem social status and unique taste.

A Castle on the Hill

On display here, The Halfcat Castle, is TASTE_Arc’s latest project for the Turkish client Sarot Group in Burj Al Babas.

The Design Process

The design process channels client desires into textual inputs for a proprietary Generative Adversarial Network which automates the concept design phase, resulting in an architectural rendering.


From 2D to 3D

The 2-D image is then outsourced to 3-D modeling artists to translate machine vision back into human vision.

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Models from different 3D artists based on the same image is then combined.

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The in-house architectural team then apply standard details to the model.

The Final Product

The Presentation:

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